terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2013

Thomas Sankara - the Upright Man

2 comentários:

  1. we 1 semana atrás

    Till date western interest in African soil will never allow us growth because the will always find one Judas amongst us and use him against his people like the idiot backed by France that killed Great Thomas Sankara of Africa. He may have died before completing his good dreams for his people but make no mistake, a dozen of his kind will surely sprang to complete that good dreams that he had for Bukina Faso and Africa in general without quam from the imperialist Western interest. long live Africa

  2. The knowledge that captain Sankara gave to young africans like my self will LIVE FOR EVER. Great man, he left a legacy. As for the traitor Blaise Campoure' he is a coward will never have any legacy for people to remember. France is thw worst thing that ever happened to africa. DOWN with France and all her collaborators. Death or alive, we will win. The revolution continues. If a man is rich and his entire family is poor, the person is poor too Blaise think he is rich but he is actually poor
